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Not the water sports you’re thinking of…

Marine Biologist’s blog, seadate: 130226:08

When my cat got older, I considered getting another cat to keep her company many times. But I was afraid that if they didn’t like each other and wouldn’t eventually get along,  her last years would be filled with aggravation and possibly fights. I didn’t want to put her thru that.

I also wanted to be her best friend and masseuse since I assumed her muscles were getting sore. I could see it in those last months when her grooming habits decreased more and more. And I was able to spend a lot more time playing with her, being home every night.

So, I decided to refurbish the lizard tank I hadn’t used in at least a decade. I took it from apartment to storage areas. The lizard supplies are now rounded up in a box, I’d hope to get more money selling it as a lot on eBay or the flea market, given transpo and a weekend (off) to do it.

I bought 4 skirted tetras (silver with black stripes) and one of them promptly died. I have 4 gallon jugs that I refill with down to uv filtered from the front of the supermarket. Tap water smells of chlorine. So they get the best water for their 10 gallon tank. Sometimes I buy a gallon of spring water to rotate in for the minerals.

The ornaments I chose were basically lizard things, the same multi-colored gravel, a rock with a hole in it that the lizard crawled thru and the fish swim thru. They even hang out in it once in a while.

At the pet store, they had live plants, so I got a few, one is a “moss ball,” that looks like a ball of styrofoam anchored with fishing string to a fishing weight. It’s covered with some kinda planting soil and the moss has grown out nicely to a huge messed up fro.

This is getting to be a lot, I know, but I bought a pump and lid for the tank with lights. I also have accumulated about 8-10 chemicals and medicines for the water, and of course feeding flakes.

I put them on a milk crate so it would be on a lower level near my cat’s bed so she could watch them, like kitty tv. She didn’t react as enthused as I’d hoped, but I did catch her staring at them once in a while.

After my cat died, I decided to get 4 red platys, the fish I wanted to get while she was alive because they were brighter. Same thing happened, 1 fish passed away within hours of putting them in the tank. I don’t like that.

And eventually, I wanted an algae cleaner and found a mini catfish, an albino bristlenose pleco. It’s cool, it’s thorough on going around the tank suckering residue I can’t see on the glass, plants, rock and arch that I have. I read online that it likes wood, so I cut a piece of the driftwood from the lizard structure and Hoover likes it. While I was cleaning the tank once, Hoover let me PET it. Pictures online show people holding them, they seem to accept and like it! Maybe its skin salt?

It’s a surprisingly cold winter for me, and I’m in California climates, still conditioned to no humidity. So I bought a cheap heater (pad) for the fish, too.

There will be a part 2, I crammed a lot of expo in my one page typing.

Whenever I stare at my fish now, I’m happy and sad at the same time that my cat got to have her fish.

2013/02/26 Posted by | Single malts | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Leap year, this month, I don’t want to be week

Writer’s Blog, bar date 66183.04

Bitch! I just realized my last blog’s topic traded paint with a too similar topic. I don’t wanna do that! So now I have an updated list of what I’ve written already followed by what I want to write. I don’t want to do a rerun or something equivalent to a clip show this early on!

Okay. I’ve noticed that recent tv shows I like have cool little mysteries to solve and gaps to fill in. Example, when you hear about one of the character’s tell a story about graduation, you start to wonder about all the others. Also, some shows even go as far as to say every year, every month, ever week we ____. National unofficial holidays are based on movie/ tv dates, which is awesome.

I have 3 pages in my “action binder” for weekly/ monthly/ yearly things I need to/ should do. I decided this is a better boss for me than a mouse or a remote control.

To be known for something like that is something I‘ve always wanted. There are certain parties every year, certain nights at a club or a bar or even food that a person can be known for. Imagine getting people to eat a certain soup every week. I don’t know of anyone that doesn’t eat corned beef & cabbage any other day.

I want to own a bar just because I have spent many drunk nights with friends planning awesome theme nights no one has done to date. And not just a rehash of high school stuff as even the largest Vegas clubs have gone to *shivver*

There are things I do every week and now I have to nail each day in a paragraph so I don’t go on for 20 pages, which I could. Funny, when I blog it’s about getting it under a page. When I do my other writing I flesh out everything to a goal of 3 pages of 2 columns.

Roughly every week: every morning the first thing I do when I log online is to check 2-3 job sites to see if there’s anything of note. It’s tougher, I’ve already applied to most. reapplying is starting to make me look like a joke. I also write everyday, up to 3 pages. I don’t go to sleep until I pound out 1 double column page.

Weds: I designate your hump day as my Monday. My local library is closed Sun-Tues, thank you Mayor Jackass. So I usually go on weds or Thurs, drop off movies and books and get next weeks batch. I try like hell to get 3 books or less, depending on pages, so I don’t just skim books but read thoroughly. Also the alt weekly newspaper comes out. Still tough for me to comprehend, but easy to remember as I bike past a convenient stand on the way back to the condo.

Thong Thursdays: After uploading my twitter pic, HAAH, it’s become something of a Vegas day. I look at the Las Vegas Sun online, I watch Vegas PBS week in review, I go thru boxes of crap papers and put them by year into 15 labelled boxes. My big focus is on 2 of those boxes, the rest I file as I go so it’s easier later.

Friday: It’s a big “going out” nite. There’s a social dancing group that meets, lessons are cheap compared to a studio. It keeps me in check with getting “out there” not just for applying or groceries. And it’s exercise. There are a lot more people with dancing with the stars and all the other dance shows. But the ratio of women to men is still 5:1, I love those odds and age bracket younger than mine.

Sat: May be big for you, but I hide in my bunker from the zombie invasion with all the shopping, rude and crowding hoards of consumer rats out of their weekday mazes. I clean, vacuum and loathe when I have to go out for cat food. I have a bin I throw papers/ receipts into all week. I go around the condo, throw everything (else) into it and go thru the box to stop shit from accumulating all over the place. I try to fill one moving sized box of crap that someday someone will help me take to goodwill.

Sun: If I’m done, I read and watch more library DVDs on this day. I go online and catch up on my weekly checks: e-mail, you tubes, etc. This is my detailed hot face wash/ shaving day, so my face won’t be red for a new applying week. I try to post something on eBay if I’m not deterred by lack of bids all over.

Mon: My FRIDAY, because everyone is at work, mostly. I take out garbages and recyclables and do dishes so kitchen is clean for grocery day. I do bills, buy cat food and see how much I have after for groceries. Sometimes panic. I’m supposed to be blogging to you on this day.

Tues: I try to go out with “no plans” and no money whether or not there are job prospects. Sometimes I go to book stores to check out the ones I want but can’t afford to buy. I go for a longer walk or bike ride than I usually do every other morning. I go away as far as I can and then I’m forced to work out harder getting back. If I ever get a job, I’ll return to titty/ taco Tuesdays. A great Tues is when I have money go eat somewhere new in the afternoon, in a near empty restaurant bar (job exploring) and enjoy owning the place.

So what are your weeks like?

2012/03/07 Posted by | Single malts | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment