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2013 Resolutions

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Just looking back at what I accomplished in 2012. It went by fast and I realized that it was actually my morning mocha that makes each day go by faster. I noticed it when I ran out and made do with my green tea for most fo the week. It seemed longer, so I tried it for another week and then again. So, the lesson is no mocha until I get a job to mentally speed thru.

My spending priorities list is the same for the most part. It’s a hierarchy with the big prize still being the same: moving. Don’t know where, but I have researched a dozen cities trying to figure out where I belong. What place is as good as Vegas without the problems Vegas has? Surprisingly, there are a lot of political activist considerations, not just what fun things there are to do to continue a man-child existence, free of wife and kid obligations. My weekly/ monthly chore and expenses are also slightly reduced.

I know January is going to be something of a clearing the slate month. I want to order 1 book/ week from amazon, but the proviso is I’m arranging all the books I own to feature a shelf of what I haven’t read. For some reason I can read 2-3 library books/ wk, but my mind for some reason says I can read my books anytime later. They don’t get read. So I’m not letting myself to take on more amazon or library books until I finish mine, that should same me money for 2-3 months at least.

I have to write. I’m not doing it. I want to blog twice a week: maybe Tuesday/ Fridays? I don’t know what to consider on what 2 days to pick other than if you work mon/ fri to Monday will be too busy. I have no other real reason/ obligation to not make it 2 other days.

Sadly, I’ll miss my 3rd porn convention, the AEE AVN expo in Vegas January 😦 I have been on a split plan thinking mode for things. I want to go to the viva rockabilly the 4 days up to easter. If I get a job, I’ll likely be scheduled thru it and too new to ask for the time off. But there is another option that’s more likely, sell my ass off on amazon until then. I’d only be at the mercy of the U.S. Mail, but would be able to go early and stay late hopefully.

A big accomplishment of 2012 was paying off my 1 credit card. So the goal will clearly be to stockpile savings and not do something to put me in the red again, which could be the expenses of moving/ setting up residence wherever. I know I cannot jump into it like last time since I’ll have no safety net “longer than I want to.” that’s a phrase that’s crept into my planning lately. (How long) can I work at a shitty job “longer than I want to.” It keeps things in perspective, since I get stuck in shitty situations, always “longer than I want to.” Can I deal with that? If I can’t then I can’t take the chance anymore.

Online: this is a big one and this week actually helped. Tv shows I stream and podcasts didn’t provide fresh content. There were some I missed and others I decided I could get along without. Because I don’t have a web phone, I’m good at not being online all day, but I still want to cut down the hours at night I look things up. I wish there was a net plan that says I get 10 hours a week at some scaled down rate. But it’s why cell phones don’t log how much accumulative time you’re on it and why cable doesn’t let you buy the 15 channels you watch, they wanna gouge us.

Guess I need to go overtime for a 2 parter. Let’s shoot for Tuesday… night? I think I’ll be hung over, sleeping something off.

2012/12/30 Posted by | Single malts | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blog gang bang, fill all holes

Action blog, accomplish date 66480.37

It’s time for another blog slathered in catch up. The good news is I’ve been busy.

1) I had a fish tank I moved around for years, so of course when I decided I’d start an aquarium to give my cat a TV for her to watch, I found it had a crack on the bottom, probably from the move back to Podunk. I was able to get a replacement, I paid more at a small local shop with historical roots for the past 50+ years, not a national imported chain. And I’m broke ass, it was worth it.

2) I’ve been reading a lot, resulting in some interesting opposites. Last month, I removed the tv, computer and I won’t bring my phone anymore into my bedroom. It’s created a strange land where sleep actually occurs. And I find myself thinking about getting to get back to my comfortable bed a few times a day. I read there, but I don’t get far, because lying down, I’m knocked on my rem ass pretty quickly, often with a lamp on and me waking up to a smashed book.

And I can’t read in the living room kitchen, because computer and tv. So I go out and I find myself looking for a hangout. I used to bring a book when I knew I’d go to the DMV or back in the day when I went to crowded malls for the Holidays (before I got smarter and did my shopping thru the year during all the business closing sales). I also got my reading done at bus stops. So Now I’m actually looking for an excuse to wait for something to read, that part’s kinda sad.

In the library, I can get reading done, but I wind up checking out FAAR more books than I can get thru. I want to check everything out, given 15 minutes to wander around. I get into audio books and dvds and I overload myself I wind up skimming everything which is bad news. My mind scrambles and I find myself in 5th gear with road vision, not paying attention to anything. And not retaining what I want to read is no good.

There are a dozen reasons why I don’t patronize the five bucks coffee place. The bathroom of a coffee shop has to be the scariest part of any business. I do love the term laptop hobos, another reason why I don’t go. And I never understand why people want to be around coffee beans grinding, can’t they do that in a radio booth or something?

A bar in the afternoon, now that’s nice and quiet. They want my business and the drunks are stewing about their own business and generally aren’t loud, or for very long until they get kicked out. There are chairs against the wall to sit at, although I do have to plan what I read that won’t draw a big interest. People want to look at your cover and I can’t take the jacket off a laminated library book easily. But I haven’t had a beer in a long, long time. What about an empty mug, optimists?

3) I’ve been analyzing my favorite tv shows of all time. I’m obsessed with studying why tv shows fail. I look at directors, producers and writers to see where their careers peaked and what’s happened to them after. On one hand, I’m worried that I hit my peak about 5-6 years ago. You can’t get better than what I got to do in my boredom that I spend most of the day trying to capture now.

In a status update, I decided I need to find a symbolic movie at least, something to pump my “worth” back up. It seems like I’ve been trolling the trade show/ infomercial circuit of life.

4) I’ve read enough business books, econ books and seen many, many seminar/ webinar videos on you tube. Once you get past all the god awful clichés, the inspirational story with inconsistent symbolism, the gimmick words and phrases, the sales pitch for books, web sites… What was I- oh, there are nuggets of wisdom. The 20/80 principle seems to come true, you get 20% wisdom for the 80% of bullshit to wade past. One thing I know is that while my schedule may be open, I need to keep busy educating myself with as much reading as I had in college. I’ve done more, but unfortunately I don’t have a certificate or diploma as proof.

I know I need to produce something on my own, be my own CEO. Stop working for jackassery of national companies where I’m an unknown cog. If I work at a local business one on 1 with the owner/ manager, I’d be far more important to the business. So I continue to focus on a small, local to work for, while I hedge that with trying to sell articles about local events to local rags.

Seems like most of the authors/ presenters ride on their promises with the next book, while writing a lot of rah rah fluff in the mean time.

I write about my adventures, instead. And harsh lessons. And unlike stories your friends tell you, I’m not always the hero of the events I recall.

2012/06/24 Posted by | random trains of thought- choo choo | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment